Blink Camera Movement as a Dashboard

Blink cameras are excellent at recording motion detection clips and notifying you via their mobile app - but what if you want to record motion detection in external apps?


I use IFFFT and my own AWS instance running a python/flask script, influxDB and Grafana to record movement and send alert emails if no movement is detected in for 2 hours.

First, in IFFFT connect to your blink account and create a trigger to send a web request on motion detection on a particular camera. 

In the details section enter the URL and parameters to send the request (this will be the python/flask app) - e.g.[CameraName]&time=[CreatedAt] where variables in square brackets [ ] are auto populated by the trigger at firing time.


An example REST call is:


GET /test?camera=%20Fence&time=%20November%2024,%202022%20at%2010:42PM


The job of the python/flask app is to receive this REST call and translate the timestamp to a millisecond linux timestamp and insert it into influxDB in the correct format.


The main REST listener is defined as:

def test():
    if 'camera' in request.args:
        camera = request.args['camera']
    if 'time' in request.args:
        motionTime = request.args['time'].strip()
        mtime = seg_date(motionTime)
        user_data = camera + "|" + mtime
        return "OK"

Where the date conversion is:

def seg_date(dt_string):
   import datetime
   #example July 7, 2021 at 05:21PM
   format = "%B %d, %Y at %I:%M%p"
   passed_dt_object = datetime.datetime.strptime(dt_string, format)
   timestamp = int(datetime.datetime(dt_object.year, dt_object.month,, dt_object.hour, dt_object.minute).timestamp())
   print("Timestamp: ", str(timestamp)+"000000000")
   return str(timestamp)+"000000000"


and then the influxDB insert is:

def send_influx(camera,mtime):
   import requests
   data = "motion,camera=%s value=1i %s" % (camera.strip(),mtime)
       r ="", data=data)
    print("Error sending to influx")

Happy to provide more info on this.


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